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Program Note
When standing “on the edge” of a cliff in the California mountains, it is possible to observe a panorama of different terrains all at once. Melting snow on top of distant mountains can be seen from one angle, while the seemingly endless desert comes into view at another angle. A glimpse downward reveals the greenery of sycamore and wildflowers sprouting between rugged rock formations. Just as such a variety of scenery can be seen from this single viewpoint, “on the edge” similarly combines an assortment of motifs into one composition. Though the individual gestures do not correspond to any particular elements of the landscape, I aimed to recreate the reflective, thought-laden headspace that hiking can cultivate. In this way, recurring fragments constantly change and allow new themes to form. Taking such rejuvenating excursions periodically throughout my doctoral coursework has yielded the inspiration for “on the edge”.
on the edge was commissioned by Duo Montagnard, and was premiered at the 2012 World Saxophone Congress in St. Andrews, Scotland. The ensemble has continued to tour with the work across the globe!